FPV-Drohne - Wie kann man FPV-Drohnen sicherer machen?
This Matura thesis shows what different types of drones there are and what they are used for. It also analyses what safety features these drones have and how good they are. I also tried to find out how difficult it is to add additional features. The focus is on FPV drones. It explains how such an FPV drone is built and how to configure it in the INAV operating system. It also tests how well the drone works in autonomous modes without using artificial intelligence. ‘Position Hold’ and “Return to Home” will be analyzed and compared with a conventional DJI drone. This would be the DJI model ‘Mavic 2 Zoom’, which was developed, among other things, with the aim of capturing high-quality, enchantingly beautiful film footage. The FPV drone uses four different systems to determine its own position in the air. A compass is used for the various points of the compass. The barometer can measure the finest differences in air pressure and thus determine very precisely how many meters the drone has changed in altitude during the flight compared to the starting point. With the help of the GPS module, the drone can orientate itself in general and the approximate altitude is also displayed. However, the Optical Flow & Lidar sensor provides a very precise indication of the altitude and position close to the ground.