Multitouch Experiment Instructions to Promote Self-Regulation in Inquiry-Based Learning in School Laboratories

Multitouch experiment instructions (MEIs), implemented as interactive eBooks, are learning tools for pupils that offer various digital support tools and enable pupils to individualize their learning. They may be applied to contexts such as inquiry-based experiments in school laboratories, which involve highly demanding cognitive processes and require a high level of self-regulation. Self-regulation has been shown to be reliably promoted by interventions which include the targeted training of self-regulation strategies. A MEI was designed as an interactive eBook on experiments on the topic “Analysis of Cola”, suitable for an inquiry-based learning environment such as a school lab. The MEI’s potential to promote self-regulated learning was investigated by comparing it to a MEI with digital, integrated self-regulation training. The data revealed a significant increase of self-regulation in the control group, which consisted of pupils experimenting with the MEI on its own, and one experimental group, which included pupils that were supported by the MEI with an additional self-regulation training. It can be assumed that the MEI’s ability to promote self-regulated learning is comparable to the results achieved by an additional self-regulation training which explicitly addressed self-regulation strategies. This highlights the MEI’s potential to promote self-regulated learning in an indirect approach.


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