The School Book 4.0 : The Multitouch Learning Book as a Learning Companion
This manuscript introduces the Multitouch Learning Book as a learning guide for school chemistry lessons. It is an e-book with integrated multimedia content, in which additional interactive materials are integrated. The use of chemistry lessons offers various advantages in terms of individual support, teaching methods and the combination of teaching with extra-curricular learning locations. Multitouch Learning Books can be grouped into the Huwer and Brünken (2018) model, which describes the dimensions of the use of digital media in individual learning processes. The first dimension describes the three operating modes of the tablet as an experimental tool, a learning tool, as well as a learning companion, the second dimension describes the methodological implementation of the tablet and the third dimension describes individualization. In addition, this document introduces the independently created Multitouch Learning Book on the topic of the particle model. During the preparation process, the current state of the art in research on the topics covered and the possibilities for individual funding was taken into account. In addition, an empirical study was conducted to investigate the influence on cognitive learning growth.